K・A 様 (あこ姐)

初のキックボクシングジム! イートレパーソナルジムさんへ行かせていただきました★ 仕事柄、細身でいる事が当たり前とされ、 かなり過激なダイエットで体調崩したり。 かといって、日頃から食べたい物は食べたいだけ食べ、苦痛な事、運動は絶対しない!という自分!笑 キックならまぁいいか!なんて軽い気持ちだったのですが、これが大ハマりっ‼️ めちゃくちゃ楽しかった! オーナー兼トレーナーさんは、アマキック優勝者らしく、流石の知識と自分に合ったトレーニングを提案してくれて、ほんとに楽しかったです‼︎しかも、パワーと闘志を引き出してくれるのが上手い‼︎ これなら続けられます! 運動嫌いは嫌い、だけど無理なく楽しく体型キープしたい!って人はここがオススメ❗️ (Translated by Google) The first kickboxing gym! I went to Etre Personal Gym ★ It is taken for granted that he is slender due to his work. I feel sick with a fairly radical diet. On the other hand, I eat as much as I want to eat, and never do any painful things or exercise! I am! Lol Is it okay if it’s a kick! What a light feeling, but this is a big addiction! ️ It was really fun! The owner and trainer seemed to be the winner of the Amakick, and he suggested the training that suits him and his knowledge, which was really fun! Moreover, it is good at drawing out power and fighting spirit! ︎ You can continue with this! I hate exercising, but I want to keep my body shape fun and comfortable! This is recommended for people